TSN is Proud to be Featured on ThyroidChange!

We are so honored to be featured on the ThyroidChange page, which also featured an article about our Director, Jill Attenson Gurfinkel's struggle with thyroid cancer, "The 6 Injustices of Thyroid Cancer". We are truly grateful to work together with other thyroid advocates to make things better for the entire thyroid community. Thank you ThyroidChange for supporting TSN!!!
"ThyroidChange proudly shares this story, originally featured in the Huffington Post on April 5, 2015, "The Six Injustices of Thyroid Cancer". This article was written in response to Cindy Finch's "Six Injustices Of Cancer". ThyroidChange supporter, Jill Gurfinkel's, real life battle with thyroid cancer is detailed by her close friend, Jodi Melzer. Jill Gurfinkel, who has become a well respected advocate in the thyroid community, offers a wealth of thyroid cancer and thyroid disease information on her website www.thyroidsurvivornetwork.com and https://facebook.com/ThyroidSurvivorNetwork … Jill also maintains two facebook support groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TSNRecoveringFromThyroidDisease/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/TSNthyroidcancergroup/ Please share this story on your wall. Share this on a friends time line. We all need to be aware of thyroid cancer, one of the fastest growing cancers in the US. Be proactive - check your neck - share your concerns with your doctor. September IS Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month." ‪
And for those who want to read Jill's Open Letter ot Cindy Finch that is referenced in the article, it can be read here: http://jillgurfinkel.com/2015/07/there-is-no-easy-cancer/ #‎ThyroidSurvivorNetwork‬ ‪#‎ThyroidChange‬ ‪#‎ThyroidCancerAwareness‬ ‪#‎CancerIsCancer‬