There is No Easy Cancer!
We are proud to share this open letter authored by TSN Director and Co-Founder, Jill Gurfinkel, in July 2015 which expresses what many of...

It's Ok to Struggle!
This needs to be said: it’s ok to struggle. Losing a thyroid or having one that no longer functions is a significant trauma on your body....

Why Reverse T3 is So Important!
There is some chatter going around, in other Facebook groups, to the effect reverse T3 testing is unnecessary and does not tell us...

More Than Meets The Eye
"But you don't look sick!" "You should workout more!" We've all been on the receiving end of well-intended, unsolicited, albeit...

Optimal Health Starts with the Liver
One of the most FRUSTRATING components of having thyroid disease is the unknown: You’re doing everything right, you’ve tweaked your meds...

The Hard Truth.
Originally published on http://jillgurfinkel.com/2018/01/the-hard-truth/ It’s been a while since I have written. Much of the last year...

The Realities of Thyroid Cancer
Nothing infuriates thyroid cancer patients more than when they hear thyroid cancer being touted as the "good cancer." After witnessing...

Angela's Journey to Wellness
We can learn so much from other survivor's journeys. Angela's story is no different and underscores how important it is to take control...

The Truth About Thyroid Cancer!
Guest Blog post by Kimberlee Jarvis Venting: No one told me thyroid cancer would be like this. I expected the fight, the need to survive...

Julie's Road to Health and Wellness!
After decades of being among the walking dead, I feel great. I had lost 75 pounds, then I settled around 165 pounds at 5'4", where I was...