The Truth About Thyroid Cancer!
Guest Blog post by Kimberlee Jarvis Venting: No one told me thyroid cancer would be like this. I expected the fight, the need to survive...
Enough is Enough!
Every day in the TSN-Thyroid Cancer Support Group, we see thyroid cancer survivors waging a war against thyroid cancer and the effects of...
An Open Letter to Dr. Drew
Dear Dr. Drew Congratulations! In a brief statement to a political rag, you managed to reveal one of the biggest misconceptions about...
Mommy has thyroid cancer.
Thyroid Survivor Network Director, Jill Gurfinkel, recently wrote a guest blog post for HypothyroidMom about what it was like to tell her...
TSN is Proud to be Featured on ThyroidChange!
We are so honored to be featured on the ThyroidChange page, which also featured an article about our Director, Jill Attenson Gurfinkel's...