Remembering a True Warrior!

While honoring Thyroid Cancer Awareness month, it is important to remember those who have lost their battles to thyroid cancer.

Last year, I lost my friend Rob Bohning to Medullary Thyroid Cancer. While I had only met Rob online through support groups, he was someone I had instantly connected with and I cherished as my friend. Rob was just one of those amazing souls who inspired every single person he came in contact with and within a few words, he could lift you up and motivate you to persevere no matter what obstacle was in your path. Even though Rob endured countless surgeries and procedures to battle his incurable cancer, he continued to shine a bright light with his positive attitude and incredible compassion for any thyroid cancer patient, regardless of what their journey entailed. Through it all, he had an unwavering faith and an incredible devotion to his family. He also had a great sense of humor, and made you take a deep breath and realize that there is so much to be grateful for even when so much seems to be going wrong. His photography gave us a glimpse into his beautiful soul and deep appreciation for every day that he had. Rob touched everyone who had the honor of connecting with him, and is sorely missed. So it is with great honor that the Thyroid Survivor Network is sharing Rob’s story as it is one that needs to be told, heard and never forgotten.
Rob was a true warrior and will continue to inspire thyroid cancer patients to keep their will and fight another day! For that, I am forever grateful my friend. ~Jill Gurfinkel